
Morrab Library + Gardens Annual Summer Fete:

After waiting out the brief showers in the morning, the sun came out and so did lots of visitors - the gardens looked super: green + busy.

A delighted Mary Ellery (chairwoman) popped in this morning to say that the Friends of Morrab Gardens raised over £1700!  The library also did fantastically well, raising a massive £2768 - a whopping £721 improvement on last year:  

Seventeen savvy new members took advantage of our half price offer and the plant and bric-a-brac stalls added their £250 to the pot.  The raffle was popular and Mayor Jan drew Cedric Appleby's (pictured in apron!) ticket for first prize with plenty of others following suit winning artwork, ceramics, tickets to the Eden Project and other prizes.  The Tombola stall had only a lonely can of lager left on it by 2pm and raised £83.00 and the cake stall was pretty much sold out by then too.  Tuesday saw the big clear up: bunting + banners away, tables stacked up, plenty of hoovering and its business as usual again at the library.

It was a fantastic day, so thank you to all who came along and supported the library and the gardens and a huge thank you to everyone who volunteered, washed up, brought coffee to stallholders, baked cakes, manned stalls and generally made the day run smoothly.

(photos - Glyn Richards) AH 


Morrab Library = Bedecked in preparation for Saturday's Fete

Bunting went up today, Room 3 is impassable due to the mountains of books to be sold (Dr. Eric has worn out his pencil pricing them all) and there are more bric-a-brac items than books in the 'literature' room...  


Summer Fete time!  The library is full of bric-a-brac, books and bunting in preparation for next Saturday (18th) - we hope lots of you can come along to what promises to be a brilliant day (and cross your fingers for dry weather!)


The Hidden Gardens of Penzance

All the effort on the day proved to be well worth it.  Stalwart gardeners from all over Cornwall braved grey skies and drizzle and saw a dozen or so Penzance gardens all at their very best.

Marvelous gardens both large and small were pored over and commented upon and dozens of cream tea fanciers meant there wasn't a scone left anywhere in the whole of Penzance!  We made £1200 for Library funds, sold dozens of raffle tickets and had a lot of fun.  Many many thanks to everyone who helped and anyone with a garden they would like to include next year - please get in touch...

Here's an image from the Morrab Gardens where Joe set up the bug mansion. All Morrab Gardens bugs are now properly housed thank you.