
New Year - New Course

Robin Lenman (editor of The Oxford Companion to the Photograph) is hosting a new lecture series at the library. Commencing on February 2nd, and at the very reasonable cost of £24 for the six sessions,  each session has a theme and will be followed by discussion - 

#1 'All things under the sun': The rise of photography. 
#2 The Global Medium  
#3 Humanist Documentary Since The 1930s  
#4 'You press the button...': The Snapshot  
#5 Photography and the Environment  
#6 Staging, Faking and Manipulation from Daguerreotype to Digital.

Places are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment - And you needn't be a member of the library to attend the Lecture series, all are welcome. For further information and to book a place, please telephone 01736 330 869, or ask in the library.

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