
P L E A S E   C A N   Y O U   H E L P ?

On Saturday 22nd September, we’re holding our annual book & postcard fair at St John’s Hall. This event raises money for the library, through renting stalls and selling books, and is a good opportunity for us to encourage new members to join. We also rasie funds by selling refreshments on the day.
Can you help by supplying us with some sweet or savoury snacks? We have the sandwiches covered, but anything else would be much appreciated. If you are able to help out, please pop in to the library and let us know or comment on this post telling us your name and what sort of dish you are bringing. Then just bring it in to St John's Hall on Saturday morning (22nd Setember.) Thank you very much.
We’re also keen to recruit any volunteers to help on the day – if you could spare an hour to do a bit of washing up or serving then we’d be very grateful. Please see Annabelle or Alex at the desk for details on this. Thank you!

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